We’re excited to announce that EBSCO has added NoodleTools citation export to their databases. This has been one of our most-requested features in the past year, and we’re happy to be able to provide it in time for the start of the semester!
About EBSCO's Databases
EBSCO is a prominent family-owned company (1944) that delivers a wide range of library research databases, e-journals, magazine subscriptions and ebooks to millions of users at tens of thousands of institutions. Students and researchers can access academic and popular sources in over 385,000 serials, including more than 170,000 e-journals and more than 1,500,000 e-books. Libraries using their discovery service can configure a comprehensive, single search box that delivers high-quality relevant results to their users. For more information, visit the EBSCO website at www.ebsco.com.
NoodleTools Customers Love EBSCO
Alyssa Mandel, a Middle and Upper School Librarian at Out-of-Door Academy and art detective extraordinaire, explains how EBSCO fits into her teaching objectives. “We use EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) to teach our high school students how to get the most from this kind of search before they’re confronted with it in college.”
Christine Pommer, Library Director at Saint Stephen’s Episcopal School, noted that upperclassmen find Advanced Placement Source particularly valuable. Designed for Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) students, the database contains thousands of full-text journals and magazines, plus more than a million photos, maps and flags. “In contrast, my middle school students are avid users of History Reference Center, a full-text database featuring historical reference books, magazines, journals and thousands of primary source documents.”
EBSCO Orientation Activity
“To familiarize new students with EBSCO, I’ve created an activity focusing on the skills needed to interact with EDS and the results. I developed this one-shot in Goosechase.edu for my New Student Seminar after an extensive analysis of the EDS export feature. Students work in groups of two so everyone has to be an active participant. One person in the pair downloads the app the night before the activity. The missions are self-explanatory (and include an Export to NoodleTools mission). I want them to interact with EBSCO in a low-stakes activity in advance of any research project where the stakes, of course, are much higher.”
–Nancy Florio, Research Librarian, John Gray Park ’28 Library (Kent, CT)
Citing Sources from EBSCO
To use the citation export feature from an EBSCO database, open the NoodleTools project you wish to work with in one browser tab. In a second tab, open the EBSCO database and locate the Export button to the right side of the article you wish to use, as pictured.
On the next screen, choose the Direct Export to NoodleTools option and click the Save button. This will open a new window that displays the MLA, APA, or Chicago-style citation as it will be imported into the NoodleTools project. Click the Import references button there to add the source citation to the active NoodleTools project.
Note: The citation style imported will match the style of the NoodleTools project currently open.